Train Whistle - Hearing God's Spirit

This morning during my devotion time I noticed the sound of a train and it’s distant whistle. I would guess I live about 5 miles away from the train tracks so conditions need to be just right for me to hear it. If there is too much activity or other noise outside or if I’m busy solving the some crisis I won’t hear it.   

When the Holy Spirit speaks to me if there are too many external distractions and noise likewise I can’t hear him. Other times there might not be external issues but my heart may be selfish or full of pride making it impossible to hear. 

Pray that in quietness you can hear Him speak to you and we can heed his promptings.


Self Propelled Mower pt. 2

Next time I’m at the store I pick up three more belts. I put one on and go half round the yard. CHUNK. The belt gets chewed up and spit out. Well, I thought, the guard cover wasn’t attached tightly maybe that will make a difference. I put another belt on and make it half way around, then CHUNK. 2 For 2. Better do something different. After getting out the owners manual, I figure out I need more torque on the belt tensioner, make the adjustment, and finish the yard with no problem. 

With the sin I was mired in it always ended with the same result.  Insanity: doing the same thing over again and again expecting different result.   Every adjustment and self help trick that I had tried on my own had always failed. Finally I got out the manual, the Word of God. What I needed for my tensioner was true repentance and humility and then the power from Christ was there to keep me on track and not flying apart.


Self Propelled Mower

I have a self propelled mower that I use to mow my yard. My kids tell me I need a riding mower but I tell them it’s good exercise. Problem is, the belt that drives it broke. I intended to pick up a new belt this week but forgot. Now I quickly need to mow the front yard because I won’t have any free time for several days. No problem, I’ll just push it. After a couple of rounds I’m dying. 

I had to think how hard it is trying to overcome temptation on my own without any help. I don’t mean to trivialize the help that Christ gives us but I know when I tried to white knuckle my way though temptation I ended up exhausted and often times failing. With Christ by my side I can walk along his side and leave the heavy burden to him while exercise my mind toward Godliness. 
In Christ
