As we embark on this journey of healing, let us remember the words of Psalm 34:18:
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Pornography and other addictions powerfully impact those who struggle and also impact the friends and family who love those struggling. Sometimes in these dark places we need a safe space for learning and encouragement to strengthen us on the journey. 

The Redeeming Love committee would like to extend an invitation to women of all ages to a weekend retreat that targets these painful issues. During this weekend we will explore Biblical truths, takeaways from psychology, and personal testimonies to encourage one another on this journey. 

This weekend is for women who are dealing with the pain of pornography and addictions due to their own struggles or of their loved ones’. We would also like to extend an invitation to those who would simply like to be a support to someone in this situation. We hope to come together as sisters in Christ to learn about God’s redemption for the individual and marriages; so we can move forward in a broken world. 

November 15-17

Freedom House
7525 N Heinz Ln
Edwards, IL 61528

Found • Forgiven • Free • Fruitful